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Welcome to the VVIQ

(Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire)
Re: David Marks, 1973

The VVIQ is the current standard for quantifying imagery ability. Be advised, though, even as the current standard it is still a completely subjective measure and should not be used as a proper diagnosis tool. Rather, you can reference it to get an idea of what category your current experience falls within.  


   The aim of this test is to determine the vividness of your visual imagery. The items of the test will possibly bring certain images to your mind. You are asked to rate the vividness of each image by reference to the five-point scale given below. For example, if your image is ‘vague and dim’, then give it a rating of 4. After each item, write the appropriate number in the box provided. The first box is for an image obtained with your eyes open and the second box is for an image obtained with your eyes closed. Before you turn to the items on the next page, familiarize yourself with the different categories on the rating scale. Throughout the test, refer to the rating scale when judging the vividness of each image. Try to do each item separately, independent of how you may have done other items.


   Complete all items for images obtained with the eyes open and then return to the beginning of the questionnaire and rate the image obtained for each item with your eyes closed. Try and give your ‘eyes closed’ rating independently of the ‘eyes open’ rating. The two ratings for a given item may not in all cases be the same.”


Rating Scale

5 - Perfectly clear and as vivid as normal vision.

4 - Clear and reasonably vivid.

3 - Moderately clear and vivid.

2 - Vague and dim.

1 - No image at all, you only “know” that you are thinking of the object.

Note: If you'd like to reference this rating scale again at any point, please click the "rating scale" button in the header of these pages.


The 16 VVIQ Items

The 16 items are arranged in blocks of four, in which each has a theme and at least one item in each cluster describes a visual image that includes movement. Each theme provides a narrative to guide a progression of mental imagery. It is noted that at least one item in each cluster describes an activity or movement, indexing liveliness (8 of 16 items in total). The aim of the VVIQ is to assess visual imagery vividness under conditions which allow a progressive development of scenes, situations, or events as naturally as possible. The items are intended to evoke sufficient interest, meaning, and affect conducive to image generation. Participants rate the vividness of their images separately with eyes open and eyes closed.

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