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Aphantasia & Mind's Eye FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions I've noticed throughout the past 6 years working within this field.

Q: What is a good aphantasia definition? A: Aphantasia can best be defined as the inability to create voluntary mental images. So when one who experiences aphantasia thinks of a black cat, they would not get any sort of sense of what a black cat looks like. However they may experience a list of descriptors in their mind, as if they're repeating details about a black cat back to themselves (eg: black, cat, furry, slender, etc... ).

Q: Can aphantasia be cured? A: After 6 years of working with increasing aphantasic individuals mind's eye ability, my opinion is that there is no definitive "cure" to aphantasia. However, progress in developing a mind's eye may indeed be possible.

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